Connecting to Nature Wherever you are

Wild at Heart works with community partners to connect people to nature wherever they may be located in greater San Antonio. When invited, we provide nature-based activities within a community that can be enjoyed by all. Additionally, we also provide a customized self-guided environmental education programming that connects people to nature within a specific place and space. Current partners include Haven for Hope, City of San Antonio Parks, Hardberger Conservancy, and the Friends of San Antonio.  

pollinator pocket Prairie Project

Our Pollinator Pocket prairie project works to restore and conserve habitat for wildlife in highly urbanized areas of greater San Antonio. Wild at Heart leads the habitat restoration utilizing native plant materials which include native host plants for butterflies, hummingbird-attracting nectar plants, and bee-loving flowering plants, all of which are native to our ecoregion.  We work with local communities and organizations to identify local native habitat restoration opportunities in and around greater San Antonio. Some organizations include Alamo Area Texas Master Naturalists and local nurseries that specialize in native plants such as The Nectar Bar and Pollinatives.

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